Away with the Old, In with the New

If you want your business to remain profitable all year round, you need to do away with age-long methods of doing business and adopt a more sophisticated and advanced way of operation. Lorryz is an app that can make all the difference not just for your enterprise but for the cargo owners you work with. Waiting for cargo owners to find you may have served your company well in the past but this method is not as effective like it once was. Successful trucking companies are using the technology features offered by Lorryz now more than ever because of it

  • Makes trucks/pickups more visible to cargo owners to find them with ease

  • Helps trucks/pick-ups find Cargo as soon as they become available

  • Smart asset utilization by reducing empty back haul miles

  • Increased revenue to truckers/pick-ups by more business generation

  • Quick payment assurance

Rather than wait for lady luck to send them a customer for the day, they project their services in ways that guarantee faster conversion rates. Every year, many truckers go out of business because of huge competition in the industry, high running cost and difficulties in making accurate forecasts for the future. Don’t make your business one of them.

The Traditional mode of logistics operation is faulty

Some of the common challenges associated with the traditional business model are.

Inconsistent Orders: Having to search the market for cargo using the traditional model is like aiming for a target while blindfolded. Since all your competitors are using the same method, your chances of getting regular orders are slim.

Time wasting: Every hour you spend searching for customers with no success is time wasted, and this will surely impact your balance sheet negatively at the end of the year.

Higher cost: Another issue with the traditional business model is the higher cost of operation. Moving cargo in a half-empty truck or empty back haul will further increase the cost of fuel and maintenance.

Availability: Issues of availability are also rife in the industry. Cargo owners are either unavailable when truckers need them or truckers are disengaged when cargo owners are in desperate need of truckers to move their cargo.

Utilizing Lorryz App is a smarter way to do business

If you are tired of the lean conversion rates and unnecessary delays your business has had to deal with over the years, don’t you think that it is time to try something new, something more efficient and sophisticated?

Introducing Lorryz Mobile App

Lorryz is an innovative mobile app that’s been designed with fully integrated features to help you increase your profit margins and cut down on operational losses. This app serves the interest of both parties because it connects cargo and trucks with just a few clicks.

What can Lorryz do for you?

Advanced Searches: Through this app, you can search for cargo owners within your region of operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year including a day(leap year).

Cut down on costs: No longer should your trucks ride down the country half empty or return empty on back haul. With enough orders on your waybill, you can be sure that your truck space will be utilized at 100% capacity: the more cargo they carry, the more empty back haul you reduce, the lower your operating cost and the higher your profit.

Track with ease: You can track your trucks and cargo at any point in time. Knowing where they are and at what time is worth its weight in gold as you can schedule pick ups and drop offs with ease.

Boost your rates: This app creates the opportunity for your customers to rate your service after delivering their cargo to the final destination. The more positive endorsements you get, the more business you attract.

Business Generation: Lorryz helps you to generate business regularly without spending a dime on advertising. Save that extra cash if you wish and let Lorryz attract more customers to your door.

Flexible Payment: Decide how and when you want to be paid before your trucks leave the park. It’s that easy.

There is so much to be gained and nothing to lose if you use Lorryz automated app as your link to your old and new customers. It is the easiest, cheapest, and the safest way of doing business in the 21st century. Don’t be left behind; let Lorryz transform your business and make it more profitable.